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Fragile Glass Tears

Content: I really enjoyed this diary. What I appreciate is that your entries are not too long, yet they hold the reader's interest. You have the ablility to take something as mundane as a shower, and give it meaning. I very much related to this entry! I have had those days when one little setback or disappointment can snowball into "101 Things Wrong With Me"! LOL I understand a lot of French, so your words in one entry weren't lost on me! Your diary is incredibly well-organized, and I need to go work on mine now! I'm inspired! You have a very mature vocabulary, and the occasional swearing actually fit in to what was going on in your head. How 'bout that? Being somewhat praised for cussing!

Content Score: 40/40

Layout I like the layout you are currently using. Design Credit: Bitch & Moan Designs You are very talented, indeed, to be able to design your own layouts. Personally, I like the one on which you are currently working; however, I think that something more in step with the theme you currently have is in order. That's just me, lone voice crying out in the wilderness. :) The only very, very minute aspect about the whole diary I saw that didn't jibe was that a few early entries didn't match your current layout. Big whoop, though. For the most part, everything was clean, and your archive page was immaculate. Wonderful diary to navigate.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: You really excelled in this area. I sure feel for you! I have been there, and I'm here to tell ya! I'm 37, so you know that I've have been through those fun years, but I lived! You will, too. You emotions were very well-portrayed in this entry, as well as this one. I was married to a Malay Indian, and it used to make me so angry when people would give us "those looks" in restaurants and malls. People! Love is color-blind! You seem to be depressed a lot, and those emotions were apparent in many of your entries. In this entry, your feelings were so well-expressed. I felt what you felt. You have the ability to create empathy in your readers.

Emotions Score: 22/20

Extras: Lots of extras, including a beautiful picture of you, and all very well-organized. Everything perfect.

Extras Score: 12/10

Link: Link was a text link..worked, too! :)

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: From what I could see, there would be absolutely no problem getting in contact with you!

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 104/100


Favorite Entry: Too many to narrow it to one!

Favorite Quote: "And to top it all off, my history teacher thinks about me in a bathing suit.

(Ew.)" Totally didn't see that coming! Cracked me up!

Comments: You have a unique talent for telling it the way you see it. You have definately found your unique writer's "voice". Well done! (Applause)!!!!!

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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