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I'll love you always and forever

Content:I found your entries very readable. You manage to make the general entries interesting and put emotion into your deeper ones. You conveyed who you are very well throughout your diary. I especially liked how you had pictures on your info page, because that helps people relate to you more. Your entries were a good length,usually you didn't go on for too long or keep them too short. You expressed your opinions about topics well, without making it seem like you were forcing your views on anyone else. the only thing I "bad" I have to say is that you tend to always write about your love-life. That's fine, since that seems to be the theme of your diary, but maybe try to branch out into other topics as well. All in all, I liked your content. (36/40)

Layout: I found your layout a little hard on the eyes. The font on your entries is either too small or needs to have a different color. I realize that the color goes with the layout, but it's really a strain on the eyes for your readers. It seemed like you tried to organize everything so it was easy to find, but it actually wasn't. The organization was a little higgledy-piggledy and was hard to navigate round. Having said all that, I do think that the theme of this layout is a good one for you. Since you talk about your love life in your entries, I thought the theme suited your diary. I think you have a good idea going with this layout, but it needs to be revamped a little. (10/20)

Emotions: You convey your emotions well and don't hold back how you're feeling. It seems like you write in this diary to express how you're feeling about your day. Your reader can definitely tell what kind of day you had by how you write. (20/20)

Extras: Lots of lovely extras, I'm not going to name them all. (12/10)

Link: Yes, it?s there and it works (5/5)

Contact: Yup, the general diaryland stuff and a guestbook. Plenty of ways to reach you.(5/5)

Total: (88/100)


Favorite Entry: I liked this entry about how you went to Justin's house when he was drunk. I'm sure it sucked for you, but it was great fun for me to read =0P

Favorite Quote:I really miss those days, now all of a sudden it seems like we all grew up way too fast, suddenly we care about grades and futures and babies. We never realize that in many people's eyes we are still babies ourselves... I know what you mean.

Comments: I really got into your writing and found your entries interesting. I may even come back to visit in the future. Just think about changing your layout so it's easier to enjoy your diary.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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