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CONTENT: I can truly say that this diary is like no other diary I've ever encountered. I'm impressed with your love of writing, and it's apprarent in all of your entries. It's a bit like getting a tour of Wonderland by Alice's White Rabbit. I thought this was a very powerful entry. Your writing is very much for you, yet you seem to be reaching out to the reader to feel what you feel. It's almost as if you are begging for help. I appreciate that the entries are able to be short, yet meaningful. Your entries are extended prose. I feel that you are projecting your thoughts and feelings that only you and you alone have onto cyber paper. This forces you to deal with whatever it is that troubles you. Your style is very REAL. There is nothing phoney about your writing voice. Your site is easily navigated- no problems there. Well done.

Content Score: 41/40

LAYOUT: Your layout is classic. It is very understated and not at all flashy. This is good in that it enables the reader to focus more on what's being written without a lot of distraction. Design Credit: Borderline Designs I like very much the colors, and I feel that this layout matches your writing style very well. It will be interesting to see that if your layout will change as your outlook on life improves. :) It would be nice if it had a bit more "life" to it. The font was a bit small and difficult to read. Maybe experiment with making it a bit larger. That's entirely your call. It is hard on the reader, though.

Layout Score: 15/20

EMOTIONS: Your diary is sheer emotion, very well conveyed, so enough said.

Emotions Score: 25/20

EXTRAS: Nice extras- Biography, Playlist, Rings, and Reviews. Actually, I think you were adding the bio as I was reviewing you! Hey, I can tell you care! LOL

Extras Score: 10/10

LINK:Beautiful, colorful "Sweet Reviews" button link is there on the "Reviews" page. Link works. Nice job.

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Many ways to contact you...Email, guestbook, notes, AIM. Yippee.

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 101/100


FAVORITE ENTRY: I didn't really have a favorite, but one that I enjoyed was this entry. You really ran the gamut of emotions in this one, and I really felt for you. Very effective.

FAVORITE QUOTE: "you've really hit a new low when your social studies teacher thinks you are going to kill yourself. and she tells you. point blank." I've been there many times in my 37 years on this tired old planet, and I can still say that when it comes down to it, life's a gift. I know you're probably giving me the finger, but one day, hopefully, you'll appreciate things more than you do now. :) If you ever feel like it, email me; I can tell ya lots of tales.

COMMENTS: I noticed that you like some of the same movies and music as I do...such as "Pretty in Pink", and Tori Amos. I really like the song "Girl". I use a piano version of "Winter" in the background for my biography. I meant it when I said for you to email me. That's an open invitation. Whenever you want to talk about anything. Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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