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Content: Your diary seems to mainly consist of your current battle with cutting. I'm saddened to hear that you are having trouble in your life that you feel you have to resort to hurting yourself. I hope that you work it all out soon. Although I felt sympathy for your cutting problem, I found it very hard to get into your diary since your entries tend to just be about that. You rarely write about anything other than that. This is not necessarily a bad thing; after all it's your diary. However, your diary is definitely just for you. It seems like writing in your diary is something that helps you think. It is not a diary for other people, who dont know you, to

read.Then again you do have the occasional entry about past events and your much older entries explain who you are a little more. You are a talented writer, you have mainly good grammar excluding the occasional typos, and I found most of what you wrote readable. (25/40)

Layout: Your layout goes well with your content, though something kinda bugged me about it. I think the picture was a little out of place with the brushes. That's not your fault though, since you got it from Trio Designs: credit for design. Everything seems to work nicely, I like the Xs for the links. (19/20)

Emotions: You convey your emotions well, though I hope you start feeling happier. You tend to come across very depressed a lot of the time. If that's how you truly feel, you convey it well. However, I'm not one of those reviewers who thinks that being sad is the only emotion. Emotional does not necessarily mean miserable, it means how youre feeling at the time. It might have been nice to see another side of you in your diary. Not that you should fake your emotions or anything, just maybe look at yourself from different angles. You do go into anecdotes about past happenings which is interesting, but most of the time your writing shows the same emotion. I felt like there really wasn't much variation from day to day. (18/20)

Extras: You dont have many extras, but that's not a huge deal. You do have pages for your links and rings, and a guestbook. Your guestbook doesn't really go with the rest of your diary though, but again it's a design site template so no biggie. I liked that you had a page for reviewers and new people to read. I found it a little later on though, so I suggest putting it in your actual navigation bar. I'll give you some pts for the links, guestbook, and info page(5/10)

Link: Yes, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: Yup, you have the general diaryland stuff and a guestbook. Good enough for me (5/5)

Total: (77/100)


Favorite Entry: I didn't really have a favorite entry because I felt like your entries ran together a lot. Like you continued the same emotions and ideas from day to day.

Favorite Quote: I played with a multi-colored balloon during the hour I mentor at school. "One... two... three... four... five..." and the tapping of the ballon finding it's way to my hand filled the silent air as my class counted how many people where sitting in pictures of buses. Very poetic

Comments: I liked your writing style, but I feel that your diary is more a private thing for your own benefit.

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