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This Is Me...

CONTENT: I can't say enough wonderful things about your diary. I absolutely ADORED it. You express yourself so well, and you had me talking out loud to the computer screen while reading some of your entries! Engaging words. One slight critique I have is that some words needed to be spelled correctly- especially if you want to go into the field of English Literature. Also, I noticed that you added a Notify List on one entry, but it was not on any of the others. You may want to make it a permanent part of your template. I know I'll sign up! I have no doubt that you will do well in your career choice. thisentry really got my feathers ruffled! That behavior in that boy was anything but that of a gentleman, and is a sign of an abuser. I've been there, and I married one. Read my diary sometime. They are very smooth talkers, and they can convince you that black is white. You deserve to be treated like the angelic jewel that you are- and no less! O.k. I've said my peace on that. I always marvel at writers who are able to create entries based on day-to-day events, yet still capture the interest of the reader. You really shine in this area! I was awestruck by the power of this entry. Another cool addition is that you begin each entry with a quote from a song lyric. That makes you a "unique"! I could go on and on about how wonderful your diary is, and how much I enjoyed it, but I'm only allowed so much space, so just know that you rock!

Content Score: 42/40

LAYOUT: Vibrant, youthful, and optimistic layout by Lissy Designs! Is there no end to the talent of that site?! It fits you very well, and I loved the navigation. It is so "right there". It is very much alive! Wonderful choice!

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS: Your emotional content is very well-conveyed. I very much admire your courage- you share your vulnerability with the reader. this entry made me feel so bad for you! I was rooting for you to win! Oh well, taking into account all of your other awesome accomplishments, this was no biggie, and you're right: it is the student body's loss! this entry tore me up. I felt for you. I was running with you. Well done.

Emotions Score: 25/20

EXTRAS: I like the portion that says "Who is prettykay?" That was a nice addition. You have the good ole "Frozen Kiss" link, favorite reads, cast, bio, dream, reviews, rings...well covered. Not sure what the heck the sex link is all about, but who am I to question?! ;)

Extras Score: 10/10

LINK: Nicely put on your review page; works, too!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Yep! You are contactable with notes, guestbook, email, and AIM. I didn't test any of them out, but I trust they are in working order. :D

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 107/100 Well done, Kay! You're already listed in my favorites!


Favorite Entry: I can't narrow it down to one.

Favorite Quote: "Ha, maybe it's because right now I shouldn't be forced into these kinds of decisions. Maybe it's because the only man in my life that should be important, should be my dad. And he still is. He always will be." Also: "He's pushing for marriage. NO WAY! I am only 16! He says that I must not love him, and it's something I need to consider if he is going into the air force. (No, not the navy...long story) When he said that I just burst into tears and ran out of his house and came home, where I ran straight upstairs to my mom and hugged her. I was shaking as I climbed into bed, but I opened my windows and kept the tv off...and listened to the rain fall outside. I wish it would storm one of these nights."

Comments: A lovely read.

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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