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sing with me, just for today...

CONTENT: Your writing varys, you have very deep poems and writings along the lines of that, and then it changes to somebody just talking about there day. Two very different things. I really did like the poem you wrote. It was touching and you write very well. True friendships like that are great and it was a very well written poem.

Other than that, your entrys were day to day events. I couldn't really find entrys that really caught my attention. You use internet slang with really annoygs me, I know it's out of habbit but I just don't like it when people use u instead of you.

Some of your entrys are about people in your school and shout outs like they are stupid or inside jokes. That's what you can use your diary for, you don't have to make it one that you want your deepest feelings in it, but it would make it more interesting. (28/40)

LAYOUT: Your layout was made by none other than yourself!! I think that it is great you make your own layout. The picture of Eminem is hot, and I think based on everything on the layout you really love him. One thing was that there is tons of stuff on the bottom of the layout like extra stuff that makes it looked cluttered. I don't really like the TagBoard where it is either. But it all works. One thing that I don't like is when you change the links from "current" to someother word. You made it your own by making it yourself and it's uniquie. I can truly say that I've never seen any layout like this, so I have to give you props! (16/20)

EMOTIONS: In your poems and such there is emotion. I know that you have tons of potential to be a great emotion writer if you really try. It's hard to write beautifully but you'll get better as you get older. Everyone does. Trying writing about something that you really feel strongly about! I know you can. (10/20)

EXTRAS: You have so many extras! I could read forever about you and your extras on your diary!! (13/10)

LINK: Lots of reviews!! But I could find a text link to us that works! (5/5)

CONTACT: All within easy reach! *As Linda puts it* ; ) (5/5)


Fave Entry: Couldn't find one.

Fave Quote: i'll prolly fail all of them, but whatever. i like my diary, even if YOU flamers don't!! lol

You go girl! hehe

Comments: You have great potential here. You have a good potential in layout making and in writing. Just try to find your true writers voice. You don't have to make this diary something that you really want to tell your deepest feelings and you might but you haven't found out how or don't want to yet. But I know you have the potential.

"You can do anything you set your mind to, man" - Eminem

: P

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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