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This is How Much I Love You.

Content: I've visited your diary before, even before I joined this review site. I find your writing fun to read and I found myself wanting to know more about you. Your writing really speaks to your readers and lets them know exactly what's going on. You have light-hearted entries and then deeper entries too which make it interesting. I didn't agree with everything you wrote, but the way you expressed your opinions was very good. You didn't force your ideas on other people, but just let us know yours. I liked how you did the "update" thing when you added a thought. Overall I think you write well and am so happy you know how to punctuate, speak properly, and type. (40/40)

Layout: I like your layout, because it fits you well. Usually a layout like this would annoy me because a lot of people have layouts sort of like this while their diaries don't have anything to do with it. However, you mentioned how much you love your boyfriend, D, in your bio and cast so it goes perfectly with you. Oh, and you made it yourself so that obviously makes it YOU. Organization is great, I love the font for the menu items. The only thing I didn't like was how I had to scroll down the whole page to read it...but that's just because I adore "scrolley" boxes in diaries so pay no attention to me. (20/20)

Emotions: You show lots of emotion. I felt like you were just talking and expressing yourself rather than writing your diary. (20/20)

Extras: Lots, I think it's cool that you have your own design site. (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works. (5/5)

Contact: You have loads of ways to contact you, I'm not listing them all. ;0) (5/5)

Total: (103/100) =0)


Favorite Entry: This entry was so funny.

Favorite Quote:He just looked at me funny, and then gave me an estimate (300 bucks) for labor and fix it. All the while, I'm thinking, well geez, I have a freaking hair dryer at home if he wants me to hook it up and unfreeze them. Hehehe, so funny.

Comments: I liked your diary it was fun to read. You seem to be a very different person from me in some ways, but very similar in others. I'd probably like you if I met you in person. I play trumpet, so was excited to see you did once. You have a different taste in music to me, but then if you were exactly like me I'd be worrying about clones. ;0P I'm adding you to my favorites, I'll come back and visit some time.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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