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embrace the clash

Layout: Another layout from wigmo *which by the way, she does really good designs!* It's a pretty funky layout, very original! I like it. The picture is a neat one, of a group of guys (I'm guessing "The Clash") with the background a green and orange around their heads. It's really cool! I like it a lot~ Oh and the navigation is cool too, how the word turns upside down when you click on it....very cool. (20/20)

Content: I like how you write. You like to tell the truth but you don't always like to hear it. This entry was really funny. I know you were probably pissed off when you wrote it, but I can understand where you are coming from. I know how you feel in this entry. I don't like it when people tell you something just out of pity. *You aren't ugly, so don't listen to them ok??* Who cares?? You seem like a nice girl and you have friends that love you, so it doesn't matter. I know that in high school you want to be hot and skinny but don't get so overwhelmed with it. Ok well I'm just blabbing.

But the point is, I liked what you wrote about and how you wrote it. You tell about what you do in your day, but you tell about other things too. I have a friend like this too. Don't let it get to you.


Grammar/Spelling: You use good capitilization! Most people on diarys don't, which it's pretty cool to see someone doing that once in a while! You mess up on words every once in a while and I bet it's just from typos, not 'cause you can't spell. (9/10)

Contact: Notes, E-mail, Guestbook, and AIM!(5/5)

Sweetness: You're really individual. The layout shows it alone, but more than that does. Not eveyone would have a layout like that and it's really cool~ But one thing that makes you more individual is that you don't seem to care what people think of you. *In your diary* You write for you and you alone. That's what's cool. I know you care about what people think about you looking, maybe. But not like some girls. Which I think is really really cool. (13/15)

Will we return: More than likely. (4/5)

Extra: Cast, Reviews, FAQ's, Pictures and Contact (5/10)

Total: 96/100

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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