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Layout: It's a layout from lex designs It is very simple. It has a picture of a teal leaf in the back ground and everything is over it. There really isn't much to it. I like it alright, but I like them with a bigger picture. But it's your diary not mine, it's just my opinion. (18/20)

Content: This entry was really funny. It doesn't have anything to do with you, but it made me laugh.

I like your entrys about the war. It's good to get everything out and you really tell how you fell. That entry made me want to keep reading on how you saw it. I don't like to watch the war 'cause I get scared from it, so I like to see other people's point of view.

I like how you write 'cause you like to know the truth, even if it isn't great. You seem like a cool girl, even though we have a big age difference I like reading what you write.


Grammar/Spelling: You sometimes goof but who doesn't? You capitilize a lot and that's good (10/10)

Contact: AIM, Guestbook, Notes (5/5)

Sweetness: You're individual, I can tell. The layout is pretty cool, a lot of people probably wouldn't want that. You tell your opinions and you don't care if people like them. That God entry was a good one, I don't really agree, but it's a good entry. (13/15)

Will we return: Yup! (5/5)

Extra: Cast, Reviews, FAQ's, Pictures and Contact (5/10)

Total: 96/100

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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