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it feels like somethins heatin up can i leave with you?

Content: Your first entry was absurd, with all the inappropriate spelling, short-forms and rap talk. This is definitely NOT cool with me. This manner of writing stops at a certain stage, when you got sick of it. Do NOT continue. The rest of the diary is ok, content-wise. So here�s your 22/40.

Layout: A borrowed layout from Diva Designs�but it�s ok since you linked back. The colors and graphics are pretty good but do not really stand out. The font size is normal reading-size. 12/20.

Emotions: I couldn�t see any emotions that stood out, so you get the passing. 10/20

Extras: Has cast, fans. 3/10

Link: nope�no sweet reviews link seen. 0/5

Contact: book, post-its (nice name), email. Pretty cool. 4/5

Total: 51/100

Reviewed by: Michael

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