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if you're going to read this, don't bother

Content: The first few entries I read captured my attention. They were short, but interesting. This is very rare. You don�t capitalize, but it�s ok, because I seldom do so too. You have a knack for writing and I like your style. Carry on shining! 32/40

Layout: A simple design that looks appealing to me. I don�t really like messy and flashy layouts, and yours is neat and tidy, so my first impression was: cool. However, I didn�t like the fact that I had to put my cursor over your �code-named� links to find out what they were. 15/20

Emotions: There is a mix here. Parental annoyance, siblings, humor, sex, love. Every entry made me feel fresh! 14/20

Extras: You only have an intro section. I get a comfy feeling every time I go there, surprisingly. There is a short bio with the basics, cast of people and reviews. 7/10

Link: a text link. Good. 5/5

Contact: mail and notes only. Get a guestbook! 2/5

Total: 75/100

Reviewed by: Michael

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