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Wait a second...I'm confused...

Content: (35/40) at first, while reading your diary, i could have sworn you were older. you have a lot of thoughts it your head, and too many worries already. i didn't realize i you were just starting high school, until your entry "Dude, high school is soon". your entries are great, but i'm not quite sure how you come to thinking up the topic of each entry? does something lead to all these thoughts? you have a lot of interesting links and such attached to your diary, i love it. your grammer wasn't bad, and i saw a few spelling mistakes - but i could also tell they were from rushing, trying to get all those important details of your feelings out, trying not to lose even one. great.

Layout: (10/20) your layout is pretty, the colors run nicely together. the text in the layout is also nice, the words really touch me. the only thing is your layout does not quite match your diaryland - username. your diary title, and username make me think of a ditzy girl, kind of clueless. but, when i read your entries, i become throw off. you have a lot of detail, and really seem to know what is going on - not at all confused.

Emotion: (20/20) i've said it a couple times already, and i'll say it again - you have strong emotion. your entries are great, and very interesting. i can only imagine how often you think about new things, such as death, change.. and so on and so on. i can relate strongly to that. the only thing i would of liked to read more of, is what brought you to those thoughts, do you know what i mean? what made you think of all that. i wont dock you any points for not telling me the source of your woundering mind, but as a strong suggesting, add it.

Extras: (10/10) OODLES of extras it's great. I gave you a 10/10 on extras because i'm jelous of your counter, notify list, and tons of links.

Link:(5/5) congratulations, for linking sweetreviews to your diary... how sweet of you! ;)

Contact: (5/5) your diary was easy to find, you have links to your old diary.. as well as your email and IM name. i'd say you were easy to find - well done,

TOTAL: 85/100

Favorite Entry: well, tough decision. i actually had two - "death" and "wanting". i too sometimes become over-clouded with thoughts, and just HAVE to write them down.. you remind me on an artist, such as myself. these two entries were written nicely, and i could relate to them very very much.

Favorite Quote: "I talk the way I wish I was, I act the way I am." that quote is great - simple, yet full of meaning. I am a quote ~freak~, i love when users throw a quote or two in each entry, even if they do not relate to the entrie's topic. :)

Comments: I really enjoyed your diary. your emotions run high, and they seem to make you carry yourself highly. a woundering mind seems to be the only mind that really has a clue what is going on in the world, remember that. i love the way you are always thinking, in mass amounts. congrats, i loved your diary, and i may just keep reading for my own pleasure.

Reviewed byAshley

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