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Read it, like it, love it.

Content: (29/40) You have got 703 entries up yet, so I couldnt possibly have finished all of them in one day. But I did manage to read a fair number of your entries. Why is it that you like to use crude words so much? They totally put me off. A little crude words here and there arent too bad for me, but too much is way overboard, and you use them VERY often. Most of the entries I read, you seemed to be very angry. Take for example this entry. I dont understand your title for that particular entry. Why 'I got your absent minded girlfriend right.... oh shit, where'd I put her?' when there was nothing about you getting someone's absent minded girlfriend? You dont write like this is YOUR diary. You write like you're writing for the sake of your audience. That isnt bad in some ways, but if you wrote just for your own sake more emotion would be felt.

Layout: (13/20) Very very white. Too white for my liking, in fact. I'm a fan of white too but too much white puts me off. Here in your layout you have a little black and red and green too, but mostly its white. I dont understand that picture on the top left hand corner over there. Elf? What are you trying to tell us? I couldn't find any design link so I'm taking it that you designed this yourself, so you got yourself one bonus point there. Your layout is fairly organised. Very, in fact, organised and neat at the top, then as I scrolled down it became very messy. Maybe you should put all your random links in a drop-down menu too. Then it would be even neater. On your archives page I noticed that it was all crammy and stuffed up with your entries. How about archiving them into different pages going by the months? Then your archive page would be much neater as well. That's pretty much all I have to say on your layout. It's not bad, not it's not the best either.

Emotion: (13/20) By golly you sure made me feel, especially with your use of crude words so often I could practically see your ears on smoke. But very little emotion except for that.

Extras: (5/5) I saw loads of extras. So much, that they made that bottom part of your navigation messy.

Link: (5/5) Yep, our link is there. Good for you!

Contact: (4/5) Email, AIM, Guestbook, Notes and a Tagboard. Good enough for me. It would be great if you placed everything in one drop-down menu with the heading 'Contact' instead, though.

total score: 69/100

Favorite Entry: I didnt like any particular entry. None caught my eye and attention. Nor my interest, for that matter.

Comments: Pretty much your average diary. Maybe you would want to take into consideration my suggestions on your diary.

Reviewed by: Jewelx

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