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Someone's out there, wishing they were me

Content:(30/40) I didn't get too far into your diary before I realized there is too much worry in your life, and not enough sit down, and enjoy the beauty of everything. yes it is around the holidays, and from your entries, I can tell money is quite tight - but someones one day of relaxing and letting yourself go, is great. Your diary is a day-to-day diary, but most entries are the same.. money, money, money. Your grammer is good, spelling; is beyond my knowledge, but it seems great. The flow of your diary is great as well. I'm not all that interested, although, I do have sympathy for you, and wish you much happy holidays!

Layout: (20/20) I absalutly love your layout. Through your entries, I can tell you care about your children deaply - and it is the greatest thing to see a parent who really feels for their children. The fact that your layout has to do with kids lights me right up, it is great. The colors are soft, earthy tones, and very soothing and calming.

Emotion: (10/20) Your most recent entry stated that while reading through your older entries, you realized you have lost your emotion, in your diary. I agree. I can see emotion in your entries now, but they are all about the same type of emotions - I do realize that money is a big part of the holidays, and life! But I'm sorry to say, your diary completely bored me.. maybe it is because I am a child, and you are an adult? I don't know.

Extras: (5/5) You have a great amounts of links and such in your diary.. the picture page is great, email, a page about yourself, and a hits counter - that I am very jealous of.

Links: (5/5) How sweet of you ;) I see SweetReviews linked in your diary - grreat!

TOTAL: 70/100

Reviewed by Ashley

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