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Life's Like This...

Content: I just love your youthful enthusiasm, and joy! You really seem to love your diary. You're a very young lady, and it shows in your entries. What I appreciated is that you don't swear in your writings, and you seem to love everyone and everything around you. I got the idea that you are a very nice, positive person. Now, having said that, I think that you could make your entries longer, and really write more about what you are thinking and feeling, instead of day-to-day events. Most of your entries are only a few lines; sometimes, a paragraph or two. I think that you are capable of doing better. If you're stuck, why not look at your Imood indicator, and write about why you are feeling the way your mood indicator says? You can practice just by writing it on paper first so that you will become comfortable with expressing yourself, and not just talking about what movies you saw, or who's birthday it is. Those are fine to add in there, but there must be more to hold the reader's interest. Don't assume that we all know who these people are about whom you are writing. A "Cast of Characters" page may be a wonderful addition to help you introduce us all to your family, friends, and important people in your life. So, you may want to think about who's reading, and make sure no one is confused or feeling "left-out" because we don't know who these people are. I thought that this page was really cute! You may want to consider making it a page for your extras, though, as well as your playlist, 50 things, and your poetry. I'm not sure if you wrote the poems or not, but always be sure to give credit to the author. Content Score: 15/40

Layout: Clearly, you really like this layout, but it doesn't fit your energetic, happy-go-lucky personality. It's different, but seems too dark and brooding for your upbeat style. Also, some of your entry titles get cut off by this layout. That may be fixed by centering the title, but for now it makes it look unpolished. So, think about that. You want your diary to look its best and express who you are. You should look around at some free templates at Beautify to help you out! There are tons of templates there! You're bound to find one that suits you perfectly! Personally, I liked that old template you displayed as an example on your "old layouts" page. I think that once you find a more "fun" layout, you should go for a better font, too. Layout Design Credit to: Europa Design.

Layout Score: 10/20

Emotions: This is an area in which you did really well! I can tell that everyone's birthday means the world to you, that you love to do things with your friends, and that you are basically a very fun person. I was able to pick up on all of this, so good job here!

Emotions Score: 25/20

Extras: You have so many extras, I'm not going to even name them all off! Good job there!

Extras Score: 17/10

Link: Ahhh...such a "Sweet", too :)!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: You have email, notes, and a guestbook. Also, you have many, many, other ways you can be reached.

Contact Score: 8/5

Total: 80/100

Extra: I don't really have a favorite, but I thought that "Super Squirrel" was awfully cute!

Favorite Quote: "Welcome. This is my first official entrance into the world as me..." I thought that was precious. It's like saying "here I am ... take it or leave it!"

Comments: I don't have enough real entries to make a solid judgement on your future as a writer, but I do know that you are so in love with this whole diary world, that I believe you will eventually find that you are capable of so much more than what you've been doing. I would like to urge you to get re-reviewed in another month.

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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