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Written by a Lady of the Fae

Content: The first couple of entrys I read weren't really interesting. You even said yourself that you were bored and you had nothing else better to do. They are short and don't really have any meaning. This entry was great. It was titled "nonsense" but it was just how you felt about that day. But you don't really write with emotion. You seem just like a normal 16 year old girl. Just write a little deeper, I could get into some of your entrys, but it didn't help that most of them were short and just to the point.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: I love this design!! It's so pretty. It's a relaxed look and I love it. The flowers in the backgroud go really nice with it. I like how on the entry it is color and then on the background it is black and white. It's very cool!! The only thing I don't really like about it is the links, how they are covered in black. It would be better if you made a link and put your screenname on there. But other than that, I love this layout~ Design Credit: YOU!!! Great job~

Layout Score: 25/20 - that's how much I loved it!!

Emotions: Like I said in the "Content" part. You just don't express how you feel. Sometimes you do, but most of the time you really don't. There is a great place on the internet it is called Pieces Of You It helps you write with emotion about certain topics. I am a member and I love it~ You can check it out if you want to, just a suggestion Emotion Score: 5/20

Extras: You have a "Links" page and you have a lot of extras~

Extras Score: 13/10

Link: The link works and it's all there! Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Enough stuff to get a hold of you by. One great thing that I don't see is a guestbook. Those things are great!! Go to Sign My Guestbook and you can get one. Not saying you have to, but it's a great way to get a hold of you! Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 83/100


Favorite Entry: This is my favorite entry. It's just to die for funny...

Favorite Quote: "No matter what anyone else may tell you, believe me when I say Coco Rice Krispies R <~with a little circle around the "R" are the bestest"

Comments: You're diary is a good one. You write for you and that's all that matters. Don't be like some people on Diaryland and write for the readers. Your diary is for you and keep it going like that. I play the piano and I think it's cool that you do too!! I love it.

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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