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...*this is for the fallen angels...

Content: Most of your entrys are like this. Not really telling how you feel about the day and just saying what happened. You use OMG a lot, and I don't really like that. But an entry I really loved, was this one. It showed so much emotion on how you felt aboutt his boy!! Write more like that. In that entry you say that you don't want anyone else to read them, but start writing with more emotion. Who cares if someone reads them!! You probably don't even know them anyway. But then again, I only found a couple of entrys like that, most of them are all like this !!! Just try to write deeper, that's all I can say.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: This is a very well made layout. I like how it has 3 colums to give you plenty of room to put other stuff. The color is a weird color of purple, and looks weird on the black. I don't really like the color scheme but the picture and the saying are great. Another thing I don't like is that you have everything so cramped on those two outside colums. You should make a reviews entry and put our button there. It's a good layout, but I just don't like it very much. One thing that really bugs me about this layout is that with every entry the font chances color! I don't get it, just keep it the same!! Design Credit: Lis Design Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: You write with very little emotion. You said "In addition to my Diaryland diary I also keep a separate written diary that I write my deeper emotions that I don�t want anyone to see. Normally I keep the two separate, but I�m hoping by publishing this entry it will help me open up more and ease my fear of censorship. It�s like the disclaimer at the right says�these are my thoughts, my emotions and if you have a problem, click the [x]" So I can tell you really don't want anyone to see that you do write with emotion. Try it out sometime!! People that write with great emotion have a great diary. But who the hell cares?? It's your diary anyway. I'm just a reviewer. Emotion Score: 10/20

Extras: You have a lot of extras underneath "Navigation" A lot to name, so I won't go into it.

Extras Score: 13/10

Link: Love the link button! Works, too! :)Link Score: 5/5

Contact: I can get a hold of you!! IM, E-mail, Notes, Guestbook. And everything works!! Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 76/100


Favorite Entry: I had two favortie entrys, this one and this one. They showed how you felt about your Nana and that guy so well. I loved reading them and it almost felt as if I knew where you were coming from. I'm very sorry about your Nana. Even though it was a month ago, it's still hard.

Favorite Quote: "It's a little big up top, so I have to have it altered, damn my small boobs."

Comments: You have an ok diary! Don't let a review get you down. I just really couldn't get into what you are writing. I'm nothing like you and have a complete age difference. But I can tell if you are a good writer or not. I know that you are!! Just keep writing and you will get better and better and it will become eaiser to spill your emotions!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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