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Black,White,and Red All Over

Content: Your writing is very addicting. I was so engrossed with every entry. I couldn't stop reading! Your style and unique writing voice definately make the reader want more. After I read each entry, I found myself looking forward to the next- very much like thirsting for the next chapter in a good book. I really like that your entries are cohesive and unified; it reads like a novella, and if you keep writing, it will be a full-fledged novel! I developed pictures of your "cast of characters" in my mind, and you did an excellent job at bringing them to life through the written word. I can see why you're in Honors English. You are very gifted, and you seem wise beyond your years. All this is portrayed through your content. I will be waiting for the next "installment"!

Content Score: 43/40 Extra Credit- it was just that good.

Layout: Your font is visually-friendly; I had no trouble zipping through your entries. The colors on your layout are great together! Also, it is a layout I have never seen before. One thing I'd like to have seen you do was to go back and change all the "older entries" to your new layout. I checked the site where you obtained your layout, and they do have a code for that particular template. This would tie your diary together more visually. Layout is easy to navigate- no confusion. Design Credit: This,That,and Other Designs" Layout Score: 17/20

Emotions: I felt great empathy with you as I read each entry. I could envision myself almost living what you were describing. Very powerful. This was especially apparent in this entry. Also, it was one of my favorites. Emotion Score: 24/20 I had to give you extra credit for this because it was just conveyed so well.

Extras: You don't have a lot of extas. You may want to think about adding a survey or a quiz, a page dedicated to your favorite things, a list of your fans, (a link to those who have listed you as a favorite diary), and even a cast of characters, since I've grown to know and love them! :D You do have a guestbook, a counter, the Top 100 Ultimate Topsites picture link, a link to Kixelsyd- "the awesome Nashville band", and an image gallery. Slap my face and call me Zza Zza, but I wasn't sure how to access the gallery! Extras Score: 5/10

Link: Love the link button! Works, too! :)Link Score: 5/5

Contact: In order to get ahold of you, I found email, the guestbook, and AIM. Personally, I would also recommend that you consider turning on your notes option. Also, you may want to see about putting your AIM and notes as links on your diary. Just a suggestion; you are, by no means, obligated to do it. I didn't test the email to see if it bounced back to me, but I trust that it works. :) An incredibly talented writer like you should have as many avenues of contact open to her as she can! Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 99/100


Favorite Entry: this ever difficult to narrow down to just one! I believe this is the one to which I am most partial. This entry just encompasses all the aspects of the family, and how they feel about each other. It ends on a positive note.

Favorite Quote: "She would never have allowed two high school prima donnas bring her down. Instead, she would wrap her arms around them and give them a bear hug in pity of their ignorance." Way to be!!!!!

Comments: I hope you realize what a gifted writer you are. I found myself reading your entries because I found them riveting, not because I had to for a review. You probably have talent in other areas as well, but you have definately found your "voice" for the written word, and let me tell you- it's one gorgeous voice.

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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