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I Wonder�

Content: I like how you put what you�re currently reading, listening to, thinking, drinking, etc. And you title things in an interesting way, like �Entry Morgue.� You write often, and you write well. I feel that I really got to know you just be reading one or two entries. It�s great that you write so much about everything in your life, but you also do a good job finding a balance between writing about your life and bringing out your emotions. (35/40).

Layout: I�m not a huge fan of black but it worked for who you are and the eerie blue woman picture was good. The template was by luckydesigns bht you also made all changes to it so I�ll have to give you extra points for that. (17/20).

Emotions: I felt what you felt when you were talking about falling off the edge. I�m so sorry to hear you�re feeling this way recently. I know what you mean by reading the entries though. You did a great job in expressing your inner feelings. There aren�t too many happy emotions though but that�s okay because at this point of your life you�re not feeling that way and it shows in your diary. (18/20).

Extras: I loved the quizzes page. And all the pictures worked too. =) That�s cool, we�re the same Dave Matthews Song: #41 and Jude Law�s the best. And the help section is great! (11/10).

Link: It was fine. (5/5).

Contact: You had lots and lots of ways to �stalk you�! (6/5).

Total: 92/100


Favorite Entry: I liked this one because it showed exactly what you were feeling at the time and your soul shone.

Favorite Quote: I am living an emotionless dream. Inside somebody elses head. This isn't me. It can't be. I'm not what I want so how can I be what they want me to be.

They say the eyes are the mirrors of the soul... I wonder what people see in my eyes... can't be much I suppose... because I am lost...My soul is lost and it took my heart with it�

Comments: I really enjoyed looking through your entries and reading your site! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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