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...sometimes the best things in life are not things, they are people like you

CONTENT: Day to day events. What happened all that stuff. You are really funny though. The way you put what happened cracks me up. You seem like a funny girl and that's what makes reading your diary a little more interesting. You don't really use much emotion or stuff like that you use a lot of jokes and sarcasm. Most of the entrys seemed to bore me, but I was smiling at the end of almost all of them. I read all of May and most of March. You have lots of potential just try to write deeper. (30/40)

LAYOUT: I have seen this layout a lot, not as much as some but still quite a lot. It's a cool picture of Gwen and the colors are ok. It is a layout made by Lucky Designs. I've never really been too fond of this layout. One thing I would change about this layout is all the links you have at the bottom. They are all review buttons, so make a review entry and then link that entry on your navigation bar. It wouldn't make the layout look so clustered. Other than that, I don't see any broken links or anything out of the ordinary!

Oh one other thing that really really bugs me, PLEASE ARCHIVE YOUR ENTRIES!! If you need any help with it you can always e-mail me but please do something about it. It really bugs me to have to find all the entrys to one month and seeing all the other months just crammed in there. (15/20)

EMOTIONS: Like I said, there really isn't that much emotion. You are funny as hell but you don't write that deep. I can't really give you many points, sorry. Try to write deeper anything that inspires you or even makes you mad!! That's what diarys are for! (10/20)

EXTRAS: Lots of extras! (8/10)

LINK: Yup! Are cute little button! ; ) (5/5)

CONTACT: Yup!! I can get ahold of you (5/5)


Fave Entry: Very funny!!! : D

Fave Quote: you must stop making pathetic comments, and it doesn’t matter if you just dyed your hair dark brown to try and hide this fact.

Comments: You have lots of potential! And you very very funny! About the layout, please do something about the archives or get a new layout. *Beautify*

This diary could be one of the best you just don't put lots of feeling into your entrys! Work on that and I know it will be awesome! I'll be back.

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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