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My Dark Spooky Journal Shindig Thingy from Hell

CONTENT: I love how you write. Plain and Simple.

Your entry about God was awesome. You kept me reading and reading. You seem so intune with everything. *You didn't put me to sleep either* You are funny when you write but you seem to care a lot about things. The way you wrote in that entry about God was awesome. How you say that your preacher kept that tiny of sliver of you believing. Your entrys are usually long and full of stuff. Everything from Wendy to your guy friends. You are hillarious, you cuss often but that helps you get feelings out. The funniest one was the entry about 16 year olds getting engaged. I agree with you. That is so stupid. You write with emotion which is great and you really tell how you feel about something. Even if something isn't funny, you make it funny. I just love reading your entrys! (45/40)

LAYOUT: Plain and Simple. Very nice, nothing really going on but the gray on black gets hard to read but it just might be my eyes. It isn't a bad layout and it seems to fit you. You can always go to Beautify and get a new one. One thing though, just like the last diary I reviewed.....PLEASE archive your older entrys. It's such a mess if you don't!! It looks better if you do too. Other than that, all your links seem to work and there isn't anything else I could find wrong with it! (16/20)

EMOTIONS: You are hillarious!! And you do tell how you feel about a lot of stuff. You write very long deep entrys just telling how you feel about something. Yup, there's emotion. (15/20)

EXTRAS: Lots! (10/10)

LINK: Yup! A Sweet Reviews button under "reviews"! (5/5)

CONTACT: Yup!! I can get ahold of you (5/5)


Fave Entry: Here you go again with the jokes! Just too funny.

Fave Quote: I can just see the kid... when it's born, it'll probably be wrapped in a Rebel Flag blanket. It won't have any pets except a pig running around the living room... a nice mullet and overalls. I can picture it now.

Mullets!! Gross..but so funny

Comments: Your diary is very interesting to read. I love reading it becuase you always seem to make it interresting. Some of the entrys were boring, but every diary has boring entrys. Other than that, I really do like your diary. The layout thing you can fix and I think if you did that you would have a perfect diary!! One diary that people would love to have. Your writing is very unique! Always keeps the readers attention and interested!! Great job!

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Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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