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CONTENT: I love how you give guys names like "Leather Jacket Boy" and "Psychobilly Boy". It helped me keep track of who's who in your entries. You talk about what happens in your day, adding comments about your feelings, thoughts, etc, about that particular day, which is great. Every entry was filled with various insights and details and stories that kept me interested. You are an extremely good writer, and I admire how you can express such big thoughts and feelings in few words that explain the big picture. It's easy to follow along in your entries, spelling, grammer, and vocabulary are great. You do tend to use the words "and shit" a lot, but in a way I think it's like tacking on a comment about what someone said or did, without really putting that comment into words. I don't know how to explain it, but yeah that certain phrase didn't bug me too too much.
You're honest in your entries and you tell it like it is. Great job. (43/40)

LAYOUT: The picture was the first thing I saw, and although it kind of gave me a scary impression at first, I think it goes very well with your diary. The red links are a little big, though. The drop-down menu keeps things organized with no broken links. A lot of red, though. (17/20)

EMOTIONS: Plenty of emotions. You expand on anything that needs expanding and you tell exactly what you're thinking and feeling. I don't hear about too many good things, though, and I'm sure they exist. (19/20)

EXTRAS: Lots. Favorite links, reviews, rings, google hits, quizzes, pictures, cast, a whole other diary devoted to dreams, and more. (13/10)

LINK: Yep, and works fine. (5/5)

CONTACT: Notes, e-mail, guestbook. I guess a Notify List can be considered a type of contact. How about an IM sn? (5/5)

TOTAL SCORE: 102/100

Fave Entry: This one. I don't know, it just made me grin with a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Fave Quote:"And anyway, I really don't care, because the day I start caring about the opinions of idiot stoner boys who are obsessed with heavy metal is the day I fucking put a hot sewing needle through my own eyeball." And "Now I have to figure out what the fuck I did that pissed someone off enough to make them want to craft a voodoo doll in my likeness and then jam a four-inch hat pin into its crotchal region." You have a piercing sarcasm and the way you word things cracks me up constantly.

Comments: You have a great style and you be who you want to be. I really admire that, and I hope you keep writing; I'll be back.

Congratulations! Your diary scored an earned membership in the Platinum Diaryring at SweetReviews, and also acceptance into the Favorite Diaries page and profile.

Reviewed by: Linda

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