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Oh Ashton!

Content: It seems like you use a very grade-school way of writing. For example, you didn�t space between some punctuation marks, and you capitalize some pronouns but not others. Also, you spell words like "liek," "dat," "stupud," "tha," "iz," "dis," etc. It gets really irritating. If you only did "lookz" or something, it�d be better. I totally understand if it�s your style to keep writing like that though. I never got into your entries because you just write what happens. You don�t go in too deep, except about everything that happens in a given day. Some of your paragraphs could be shorter sometimes when there�s dialogue -- you can separate what each person says so it looks neater. So there�s a lot in your entries, but not a ton of substance. (15/40).

Layout: Ashton sure is good-looking. A nice picture of him is on the side. I like the purple background and scroll-bars. When you Write Like This On The Side, telling people what to do on your diary, it�s really annoying and immature. But the loves and hates parts are good. I think it�d be better if you archive your entries since you began in January. You can always go to here for step by step directions at the bottom of the page. I know I�ll refer to it at the end of May, when I need to archive for the first time! It�s a simple layout though. (16/20).

Emotions: As I�ve written in Content, I don�t think there�s a lot of substance in your writing. You write about what happens in your day and go into detail about that sometimes and add dialogues, but you never really go beyond that. You do open up a little in what you�ve written here. I�m pretty sure it�s your own poem because you don�t specify otherwise! (8/20).

Extras: You wrote a lot in your me page so that�s good and you can always do surveys and add rings there. You don�t have too many. You could add quizzes, cast, rings, a whole reviews page, poems, . . . (2/10).

Link: Yes you used my favorite button too! =) (6/5).

Contact: Guestbook, mail, notes. (5/5).

Total: 52/100.


Favorite Entry: Don�t really have one.

Favorite Quote: This isn't ordinary, he's loving me for me

Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes

No cover ups, push ups

With him, I dont have to put on a show

He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin

Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in

He's real,he's honest, he's loving me for me

Comments: I wanted to give you a higher score, especially in content, but I really think you can do better and should separate paragraphs so that more so it�s more easily readable. I�m sure you could easily add new sections into your diary so it�s more interesting. If you need any help, please don�t hesitate to email me.

Reviewed By Kathy

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