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We make it up as we go along...

Content: I started by reading your current entry which was not too long but said all you needed. It's okay that you don't know what you believe in yet; you have lots of time to figure it out. Wow you're so good at describing how you're feeling whether it's physical pain, inner confusion, etc. I just really got into your entries. Your style of writing is just easy to get interested in. You're so detailed and add lots of emotion, like your story here. What an adventure you went through! You write about anything that's affecting you at the moment and most of the time, it's not about your day so that's cool. But I'm sure you could make people enjoy reading it if it was more of a daylog. (40/40).

Layout: This one's by Poo Designs and it's okay. The muted colors are nice, especially the light purple one behind entries. I don't love the pictures, but the title in that font, color and curved line is wonderful. The navigation's pretty easy too. (18/20).

Emotions: In some entries you had more emotion, but others not as much. I would've liked to see more in depth writing of your inner feelings. (16/20).

Extras: Random Entry, odds and sods, rings/reviews, cast, photos, your Tori page. (10/10).

Link: Yes it's there. (5/5).

Contact: Guestbook, notes, email, guestmap (2 of them!) (5/5).

Total: 94/100


Favorite Entry: I enjoyed this entry. I admire that you're so good at drawing. I loved the pictures you included. And this one is well written.

Favorite Quote: I also had a disturbing nightmare. I bought three new pairs of shoes (excessive even for me) and lost them. I spent several (dream) hours climbing over rocks, wading in rivers and digging through snow to find them. Eventually I had to admit defeat. Damn. They were really nice shoes too.

Comments: You have a great diary and it's one that I would recommend in a second.

You can apply for the SweetReviews SweetGold DiaryRing! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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