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Catch a falling star

Content: You use your diary to go over your day. You never tell how you feel about something or what's happening in your life. Just your day to day events, pretty boring. If you read a diary like that you wouldn't want to read it anymore. The layout thing makes it even worse sinse I have to go the the Archives every time I want to read an entry. But they are usually very short and to the point. No drama, no descriptions or descriptive words. Just sort of boring to me.

Oh and this entry doesn't even show up, you should just delete it! (10/40)

Layout: Cute, cute, cute!! This layout is adorable. The penguin cracks me up and the layout is very well made. I like how the layout is blue and yellow. The colors go great together and I love the font. Oh it's just too cute! Layout Credit: Vanished Designs (18/20) *One thing I did see though is that on your "Archives" You have Older 1 month. Older 2 month. I get it, but you might want to change it to the month it accually is. It makes it eaiser for people reading your diary. And none of those "Older" links worked anyway, so I have to take off some more points...And your next and prev links don't work. Change the arielmac.html to %% next %% and the same with prev. *Just without the spaces...

Emotions: Not much, that's all I can say. (0/20)

Extras: A few (5/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: The diaryland stuff and much, much more.(6/5)

Total: (44/100)


Favorite Entry: I didn't really have one.

Favorite Quote: I couldn't find one.

Comments: Your diary is for you to write your deepest emotions. You've got to try to start showing that! You can write about your day to day events, you can write about whatever you want. It just seems boring to me. There is no flavor to your entrys. Sorry, I really coudln't get into it. Try writing deeper and getting more and more into it. Fix the stuff I said about the layout things too!!

Good luck

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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