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A Mermaid's Tale

Content: Well, considering that English is your second language, your entries were a bit difficult to follow. Though you've got these nice little, perfectly written funny-bits scattered here and there that just cracked me up. I loved your "101 things". And actually, before reading that entry, I hadn't the slightest clue as to why those odd misspellings and misplaced words kept popping up. I think though, after understanding that you're very much French (I loved that you used the French 9h45 and 7h30 as opposed to 9:45 and 7:30) the fact that you're still learning this language just adds to the charm of your diary. That is once the reader gets the hang of your very unique lingo. (30/40)

Layout: I really like the two mermaid pictures on your index and older pages, though the rest of the layout seems a bit askew. I'm not too fond of the blue and orange color scheme on the index page, but simply having the light blue and yellow on the older page seemed much more put together. I see that you designed the layout yourself, and that you also design for others, so you've obviously got some designing potential! I think though, that the layout on your older page would look wonderful for your entire diary. (13/20)

Emotions: Well, I don't quite know if your entries are lacking that much in emotion, or if it's simply the language issue that prevents you from expressing yourself as well as you might could otherwise. I really didn't see though much effort put into expressing much emotion on an entry to entry basis. (10/20)

Extras: Tons and tons!!(12/10)

Link: Yep. You've been reviewed quite a bit! Our link is in there amongst the rest of them though. (5/5)

Contact: Email, guestbook, notes, map.... (5/5)

Total: (75/100)


Favorite Entry: I suppose the 101 things page was my favorite. It was really the only entry in which you spoke openly about youself, your ideas, beliefs, and emotions.

Favorite Quote: "I have no tolerence what so ever to stupidity. Especialy mine." Though that "to" should've been "for" (and I would've ragged on anyone else about that) you're so very right. I'm the exact same way. Intolerant of ignorance, in mainly myself.

Comments: I'm sure your writing is just wonderful in French. You can be hilariously funny at times, and can say some rather thought-provoking things here and there, though I'm sure so much more of those things are lost in the translation.

Reviewed by: Jen

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