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The Beloved

Content: I found your diary hard to read because most of your entries were about daily happenings and not much else. i did like how you continued on thoughts you had in previous entries though. The stuff about the dream you had was very interesting. You seem someone who knows their religious and personal beliefs, and though I couldn't relate to those beliefs personally , I found some of your ideas to do with your dream interesting. You write basically well, but it doesn't capture my attention, you seem to write in this diary to sort out what happened that day for yourself. (10/40)

Layout: I think our layout idea goes well with your diary, but the navigation was kinda weird with just that one drop-down menu. I think you have a nice idea going, but you need to work on it a little more. Also, the green got a little much to look at after a while, but if you like it go right ahead. I thought it was interesting how you did the short description at the bottom of the page. I suggest not using the huge diaryland link at the bottom, it was a little annoying. (5/20)if

Emotions: There wasn't much emotion in your entries, because of the general entries about your day. I think that when people write their diaries like that, they don't need to put much emotion in to their entries so they don't. You did put some emotion into the dream entry, but not much, enough to let me know you were freaked out! (I would be!!) If writing day-log entries works for you go right ahead, but I'm going to have to grade your emotions score down because of that =0/(4/20)

Extras: Not many (5/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: The diaryland stuff and a guestbook(5/5)

Total: (34/100)


Favorite Entry: This one about your dream

Favorite Quote:I didn't really have a favorite quote.

Comments: I think you use your diary as a place for you to recount your day and what happened. That's fine, but diaries like that rarely get high review scores just because it's hard for a reviewer to get into. Continue writing your diary that way if it works for you =0)

Reviewed by: Nicola

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