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Is this really me?

Content: You are very expressive in your diary. Your writing varies a lot, from your loneliness, which especially touched me, to your crush, which was very cute =), to things that happen in school.

Mainly, your diary is like a diary of a sixteen year old. You write in a way that enables readers to relate to you. It�s very interesting, reading about your life, and especially how you always are in the wrong place at the wrong time, =), and oh, I love Pirate of the Caribbeans too!

Content Score: 32/40

Layout: Obviously a LOTR fan layout. It�s nice in its own way, the wallpaper is very nice. I like it, even though it�s dark, it has its own specialty. The only thing about this layout is that you can actually put your guestbook and notes under the �contact ways� page. Basically, the layout is pretty good.

Layout Score: 15/20

Emotions: You have plenty of emotion in your diary. From loneliness, to your enthusiasm to irritation, anger, and a lot more. This was very emotional.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Reviews, rings, fanlistings, links, photos, you have a lot.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A working button link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, ICQ, AIM, MSN, email, notes.

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 85/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring! Congratulations.


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. It�s emotional, and your poem was good.

Favourite Quote: Sundays are the bane of my existence. "Sunday" means the play is over, work is nearing. Sundays makes you think of Mondays, which are quite frankly, even worse.

Comments: I like your diary because you express yourself very well. You write in a way that enables people to relate to you, and feel what you are feeling. Keep the good work up! It was really a pleasure to read your diary.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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