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Content: Your diary writes a lot about life in general. You use your daily experiences, analyze them, and conclude with your beliefs that become the principles of your life. This diary isn�t an everyday diary, you write more about your opinions, which didn�t bore me like usual. It�s nice to know what you think, you seem to be very analytical, and you seem to like music. Also, your passion was really powerful, it touched me, that you want so much to help children.

You also seem to spend a lot of your time thinking, and coming up with conclusions which you put in words. This is really interesting. In fact, I�d rather call your diary a journal, because technically it�s a journal that expresses yourself, not a everyday-I-did-this-and-that diary.

This entry particularly about yourself, was really interesting. I could really tell that you were honest, and I value honesty a lot. Your diary helps people and yourself understand you better.

Content Score: 36/40

Layout: It�s a nice layout. Simple, but it has a theme, which is really good. It focuses mainly on your diary, and I like you for that. I must say, you made an excellent layout without an image, since you seem to like imageless layouts, as your wrote here.

Layout Score: 14/20

Emotions: Not so much an emotional diary, you don�t exactly express your feelings. You are not writing so much on your emotions, but rather your opinions.

Emotions Score: 5/20

Extras: Bio, design, cast, 101 things, you have plenty.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestmap, email, AIM and a tagboard.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 77/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite.

Favourite Quote: Your imperfections are what make you beautiful, use them to better yourself...

Comments: Personally, I like your diary, it�s just that I couldn�t give you a higher score for your emotions. You also seem to like to visit the Friday Five, I like that too! =)

Reviewed by: Charlene

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