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~~Angels can fall too~~

Content: I love your poems. Those were the first things I read off bat and they were great. You are a good young writer so keep it up! Your entrys don't really attract me, they just tell what you did and yada yada. I love your poems though so that makes up for your writing. Try to write your entrys how you write your poems...I just love them. 30/40

Layout: This layout is really pretty. A good one by Lis She makes great designs. The light blue and the black go very well together. I like the font and everything that the layout gives you. There's lots of space to write and to add extra things. The picture is really pretty and has a great saying. The only thing I don't like is how little the font is, it's sometimes hard to read, but then again...I think I need glasses. You have two layouts going on though and it's sort of confusing. I'm not sure which one you are using now, but I'll just go with this one.. 18/20

Emotions: You express your emotion well. In practically all of your entrys!! It's great to read a diary like this! 17/20

Extras: You have lots and lots of extras!! They fill up the whole navigation section. Looks like mine! 10/10 :)

Link: Yup!! It's there alright. I love that button by the way~ 5/5

Contact: I can get a hold of you in so many ways...awesome 5/5

Total: 85/100


Favorite Entry: n/a

Favorite Quote: "What a day. What a fucking day." It just made me laugh becuase I feel like that most of the time too...

Comments: Your poems are great! I would try to write more like that and don't get offended by the score. It's a great diary and the layout is awesome. You are still young, just like me. It's your diary anyway! Keep up the good work!

Reviewed by Lyndsey

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