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Winter Morning

Content: I found your writing very readable, though a lot of your entries were just about daily things. You have a unique spark to your writing. There were a few typos and misspellings here and there, but not too often and they didn't make your writing unreadable. Your diary is a place for you and seems very important to you. It felt like you update because it helps you think. Overall I liked your diary, though occasionally I was a little bored by the daily stuff because I don't know you personally and the typos were a bit off-putting.(37/40)

Layout: I adore your layout. The season is a little off, since it's spring now, but who cares?! I love it. Navigation=great, except I kept forgetting to click the go button to get to the pages....but that's just me. Kiki Designs has surpassed itself!! (20/20)

Emotions: You definitely get your emotions across, even though you often talked about just general stuff. I felt like I understand who you are, or at east how you want to portray yourself through your diary. (20/20)

Extras: Lots (12/10)

Link: Jeeze, you've been reviewed a lot! The alphabetizing made the link easy to find and it works. (5/5)

Contact: You have loads of ways to contact you, I'm not listing them all. ;0) (5/5)

Total: (99/100) =0)


Favorite Entry: This entry had so much interesting stuff in it.

Favorite Quote:[Probably you have been wondering why I never put a happy face in my imood. It is because I am normally happy and well, I don't smile when I'm alone. I'll smile when I look at my image on the mirror but.. I don't smile when I'm on the computer. Well, I just like to feel peaceful. And no peaceful person would smile from ear to ear.] interesting.

Comments: I really got into your entries and loved the layout. You seem a lot like me in some ways. I feel that I'd like you if I met you in person. I hope everything works out with the weight issue.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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