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[the thoughts within]

Content: I know this has absolutly nothing to do with how your writing but I really don't get how my navitgation is so screwed up. And the reason my picture wasn't showing up is because I haven't had enough time to upload it to my own server and the person who made the layout, her server is down. (But whatever, not like you'd have enough kindness to hear me out or care) And you were being a little too harsh. So here I go on reviewing your diary...

I can't get to any of your entrys. Something on your layout is really screwed up. From what I read I can tell that all your entrys were going to be the same. You talk about your day, what's going on at school and sometimes about George. You seem to be the person to put something off and you seem absolutly NOTHING like me. Even if I am 2 years younger than you, I don't think that I am the person you were at my age. I couldn't really get into what you were saying. Your entrys seemed long and boring. Not all of them could be like this, but the ones that I could accually read were.

They are long and you talk to your readers, you seem to not write for yourself. You quote a lot that you "didn't make this layout" or you are sorry for something. (5/40)

Layout: Your layout is ok. No offense but the picture is just kind of boring. It's not giving me anything to go by. It's just a chair and a beach. The font is really hard to read sinse the color is almost exact to that of the ocean, which is in the backgroud. So that sucks about it.

I like the navigation. The font is also really hard to read sinse it's so small. It would look stupid with bigger font but it's just too small. I'll give you some credit seeing is that you just "found" it, but I'm not sure. Oh and one thing that really sucks and I absolutly hate is that when you go to the "archives" the links don't work to the entrys! None of them, there are about 5 that accually do, so I have to click the "previous" button to get to every entry. Try to fix that. Your layout is accually pretty, but there is too much blue for me. Oh, ya and your links button isn't working. I tried it before I started reviewing your diary and I just dont get what's wrong with it.

It's not that bad of a layout for making it yourself, there is just way too many things wrong with it. Your Previous and Next link buttons aren't even working!! I don't know if I can evern read the entrys in your diary....It's not worth it if the whole layout is screwed up and I have to kill to try and get it to work (5/20)

Emotions: Not very many, I couldn't accually read enough entrys to tell. (0/20)

Extras: You do have lots of extras though (5/10)

Link: I can't get to the link page, but I'm sure you put it I'll give you some credit (2/5)

Contact: Tons, I don't want to name them all. (6/5)

Total: (23/100)


Favorite Entry: n/a.

Favorite Quote: n/a

Comments: Even thought you gave me an awful score on my review, that isn't why you didn't get such a hot score. You just need to change your layout. Try going to Beautify to find a new layout. If you get a new layout then you can come back here as soon as you want and ask for another review. I'll try and review it again, even though after this you probably won't want to. I wasn't trying to be bitchy. You probably were thinking the same thing reviewing my diary. But I couldn't get into what you were writing!!

Just try and fix the stuff that I told you and I'll review it again and I'm sure you'll get a much better score. The reason that I think I should review it again becuase a different reviewer on here would give this diary a whole different score than I would. If you get a re-review then you have to have the same reviewer that did it before. It's in the rules. Back to your diary~ You probably do have some really good entrys, I can't read them though. Try and fix that ook? Good luck

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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