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Trials and Triumphs

Content: Your writing bored me, I had to force myself to read on because you just talked about html, cars, and your day....Ok, so I do that too (except for the cars), but I try to make it more interesting and add other things too. I understand that this is your diary, but every entry just seems the same after a while. You would get a lot more out of your diary if you wrote about more in depth interesting things. I you don't want to that's your choice, these are just my opinions. I think you're also a different person from me, so I couldn't relate to you much. Overall you did write well in there weren't too many typos or slang so I'll give you credit for that. (10/40)

Layout: Your layout was hard to navigate around. It seemed like you had some good ideas for it I liked the long sidebar for menu, but everything looks so cluttered. Your "Now, Just Now, Next, Entry Cache" confused me....all you need is Now and Older. I think you tried to make your layout cool with interesting links but it's just confusing. The tagboard at the very bottom of your layout was odd, either have it be part of your layout or don't have it at all. The image of the side looked strange because it was blurry and stuck out all by itself. All the white just got to my eyes after all, it would work if you layout was clean and organized, but it isn't so it adds to the clutter. I think you have some good ideas, but need to work on them more.


Emotions: You didn't express yourself very much in this diary Even your bio, which I expected to tell me something more about you, was very short. There was one entry I read where you mentioned a girl who died and you said you felt sad, but then you immediately went on to another topic without going deeper into how you were feeling: This girl at my school died and everyone is talking about it. Two of my teachers taught her, one of my friends is depressed. I suck at handling depressed people but I did the best I could. Also I updated my cast page and I did a good job, but the bugs are still there.

Beka got a nice new template designed by her, but I guess she forgot to remove the Get Lucky Link That also completely confused me.. I think you mainly use this diary as a day-log of events, which is why there isn't much emotion.(1/20)

Extras: Lots (13/10)

Link: It's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: You have loads of ways to contact you, I'm not listing them all. ;0) (5/5)

Total: (42/100)


Favorite Entry: I don't have a favorite entry.

Favorite Quote:Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends! It rhymes and kinda summed up how I felt reading your diary =0/

Comments: I just couldn't get into your diary. I was confused by your entries and layout It may be because you're a very different person from me...who knows? I did like that sidebar idea on your layout, though.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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