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I Love Smoochies!

CONTENT: Wow! What a different diary than any I've ever read! You seem to be very "out there" with your thoughts and beliefs, and I think that's great. Sex seems to be on your mind a lot, and you write about it a great deal. Some of your entries are pretty random. One will be a day-log style, and then the next will be a poem. You like to talk about some pretty x-rated subjects, but I'm not judging you on subject matter. You have very strong views and you have no qualms about expressing them. I especially noticed in this entry that you have no trouble putting yourself out there for the world to see. You are not shy! No, no way! Throughout all of the entries, though, I could feel a bit of sadness on your part. You put yourself down now and then, and that made me feel bad. What I appreciated in your content was that you seem to really enjoy writing. I think that's the most important thing, and whether or not someone likes it, you have your own voice, and that's a gift! Keep writing, and most of all, try to expand on your points more. You will grow a lot, I predict.Content Score: 30/40

LAYOUT: Design Credit to: Lissy Designs Most of your layout was done with an older one. I really liked that one; however, I really like the new "blue" one! It's fun, it's upbeat, and it's optimistic. I think that should suit your personality more. If you decide that you want to go with this layout, I'd go back and change the older.html to your new layout. The new layout is much easier to navigate, and I like the uniformity of it- the theme runs throughout. Good job!

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS You excelled in this area. Your emotions spilled through everyhing you wrote. Even if the entry wasn't one of your best, I could feel that you had stong emotions about whatever it was you were saying to the reader. Your emotions seemed to be mixed in with some humor at times, which I always find refreshing!

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS Lots and lots of many! In fact, I won't even name them all. I loved your guestmap, and I liked your "101 Things About Me". That was very enlightening. Nicely done.

Extras Score: 15/10 So many of them! Had to give extra credit for all the hard work!

LINK: Hmmm...I sure couldn't find the Sweet Reviews link on your site. Sorry about this.

Link Score: 0/5

CONTACT: Yep...plenty of ways in which you can be contacted! I could stalk ya if I needed to! :)

Contact Score: 7/5



Favorite Entry: Didn't have one.

Favorite Quote: "I do not have a hairy back�not that there is anything wrong with it, its cool for a guy to have a hairy back, but when a girl has it, its just gross. I realized, that I do not have a hairy back, and perhaps will never need to shave it. But I realized this when I see all these girls with hairy backs�it�s like gross!!!"

Comments: Nice job on your diary! What I enjoy is reading someone who isn't always depressed, who takes life as it comes, and who always seems to take joy in writing, no matter what the subject matter is. :)

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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