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My greatest fear is apathy

Content: I love how you write. You talk about your day, yet write in an interesting way. I related to how you felt a lot and think you're similiar to me in many ways. You diary is definitely for you to end your thoughts out into "the void." I like that a lot. You write poetically almost without it being poetry at all, I guess what I mean is that your writing flowed really well. (40/40)

Layout: Beautiful layout. Everything was well organized and clean. The only "bad" comment I have is that the text for the links was a little small and hard to click. Overall I liked it. (20/20)

Emotions: You put a lot of emotion into your diary, even in the simpler, daylog type entries. I could tell how you were feeling when you wrote things. (20/20)

Extras: Not many, but some (7/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: The diaryland stuff (3/5)

Total: (95/100) =0)


Favorite Entry: This entry was beautiful

Favorite Quote:This is one of my favorite moments of the day, when you feel as if you are the only soul alive and breathing in the midst of a still world. When the earth has not yet quite taken its new breaths and you feel as if you can walk outside and scream and shout into the open air. It's a time when you can gather your thoughts with nothing to interrupt you, no tv, no cell phone, no IM boxes. Sitting outside under the non-existant stars in LA and feeling as if the world is yours, feeling as if everything in it belongs to you is an empowering feeling. Ok, that's a long quote, but I loved it. I feel like that in the morning when I walk to school and I'm the only one outside as the sun rises

Comments: I really got into your entries and your layout was beautiful. You seem a lot like me in the way you think. I felt like I was reading myself when I read your diary. I'll probably come visit again sometimes, feel free to visit me too. ;0)

Reviewed by: Nicola

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