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No One Knows Who I Am

CONTENT: I must start out by saying that this is one of the best diaries I've ever read. I can't say enough good things about you, but I'll try! I love the whole Welcome Page concept. That was a cool addition. I also like your comments page. I liken it to an athlete's room of awards; it's like an "inspiration room". Well done. Your entries are diverse in that sometimes, they are very short, but other times they are more lenghthy. Either way, they held my interest. Sometimes, you are very cryptic, and other times, you are very much "out with it"! You have a unique talent that is a lot more difficult than people would imagine: you are able to write like you would probably speak to someone. That's great. You come across as very approachable and genuine. I also thank you for the cast of characters. It came in very handy while reading this diary. I really liked thisentry, as it was well put together. No one likes a pity party, and we try to be the best friends we can be, but sometimes...AKKKKKK!!!! Of course this one has a special place in my heart! :D I knew of this stuff all too well. You expressed yourself well. Hard to believe this kind of thing still goes on even in adulthood. Sheesh! I really enjoyed this entry. It was very special and moving to see a friendship like that illustrated in your diary. I could go on and on and on; however, suffice it to say, you're one amazing writer.

Content Score: 45/40 Yes, world, it was that good!

LAYOUT: Design credit to none other than you, yourself, and you! Well done. I like the dramatic effect of the Jekyll & Hyde theme. It matches your writing style. The font was easy on the eyes, and I didn't even really notice it, nor did I have anything obstructing my view while reading. The whole layout is very easy to navigate, and all-in-all, there was nothing I could see wrong with it. :)

Layout Score: 22/20 Extra credit for self-design

EMOTIONS: Your emotions come shining through your words very well. They are right in balance with your entries, and they are never "over-the-top". I like that you spare yourself nothing. If you feel that you've been a hypocrite, then you say so. You also let us in on very intimate details, but save them for private entries...very wise!

Emotions Score 20/20

EXTRAS: Good job on the extras. You have lots of cool links, rings, AIM, surveys, and The Friday Five, just to name a few. Well done.

Extras Score: 10/10

LINK: Pretty little "Sweet Reviews" button, and it works, too! :D

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Email, notes, AIM, Comments...yep, you can be contacted!

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 107/100


Favorite Entry: I liked so many of them, but this one really grabbed me.

Favorite Quote: "...people tell lies so often that they start to believe it themselves." I know a guy like that.

Comments: You are very talented, and have a real gift for getting and keeping the reader's attention! You have a writer's voice that is honest and pure. You aren't trying to b.s. anyone. I think I've found someone who's actually on the computer more than I am! And...who can't do without her caffeine, either! With me, it's coffee. I think I'd notice if I didn't drink it. We seem to have a lot of the same trust issues, too. I related well to you! Don't ever stop writing! Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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