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kiss my prince...

CONTENT: I'm 13 too, and you do write like a typical 13 year old. Even if your layout is that great, I can't really stand your writing! You use tons of lol's and omg's and all that stuff. Lots of hehe's and extra stuff that you usually don't use in diarys. You write about your day to day events but never really go into detail on emotions and stuff that really made you mad or something. I know being an awesome writer takes tons of time. I'm not a great writer but I'm getting so much better at expressing myself and making my own events a lot more interesting. Your entrys are fairly short and to the point. In here you tell how you are mad and you get more into how you feel about something. We are just 13, don't take relationships too seriously, I don't. You have your whole life to go out with your "little kid" life. (As some would say)

Now, here is some good stuff. I know you probably so pissed off you couldn't stand it. Don't feel like no one cares, there is at least ONE person in that world that loves you so much they would die for you. I know you feel like it....but i"m blabbing.

So, your writing hasn't matured?? So what, some of it was down right funny. Don't stop, you'll just keep getting better.

Content Score: 25/40

LAYOUT: Your layout is to die for cute. This is by far one of the cutest layouts I've ever seen. The whole theme is great and I love the colors. The picture is so cute. There is a ton of room for links and the font isn't too small. I just absolutly LOVE it!!

Layout Score: 25/20 Designed by Alee *That is really how much I loved it.

EMOTIONS: Some of the entrys you write, like this one are very emotional. Not really any other ones. You'll get better at it...don't worry.

Emotions Score 10/20

EXTRAS: You have SO many extras

Extras Score: 10/10

LINK: The text link works! ANd I Like what you did with the "reviews" page! The site link and then your review link. Awesome idea :D

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Yep, you can be contacted!

Contact Score: 5/5



Favorite Entry: I didn't really have a favorite.

Favorite Quote: " relaize that there is no such thing as perfect.. a motto that i used to think was true... and now i beleive it again!" and "no one can descirbe this feeling of exrushiating (i cant even spell it) pain"

Comments: Just because you didn't write to my pleasure doesn't mean anything, you have a long ways to go before you can really become a great writer. The more you practice at it the better you will get. That's what diarys are for, to relay your deepest feelings about something. Don't just skim your feelings trying to hide something that you are afraid someone will read, who cares what other people think!! Write for you and only you. I'll come back to see how your writing improves

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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