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One of These Days I'll Chase You Down.

Content: Hot damn. You rock. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is that I adore so much about your diary... in terms of either content/events-mentioned I mean, or if it's just simply the way you write. I really found nothing striking about either, but somehow.. someway... it all comes across as brilliance. Or perhaps it isn't brilliance so much as it is ballsiness (is it possible to mispell a non-word?). But regardless, your disgust with human ignorance is refreshing. I suppose not everyone would find your diary tastefull enough to even read through an entire entry, but I loved it. Blatent testrone-ridden rants are intriguing as anything. Lovely Bible analyizations, lovely, gritty, disgustingly dirty though fairly eloquent, typical-male thoughts, lovely everything. (41/40)

Layout: Your layout was actually very fitting. For some odd reason the name "timmocollins" coujured up thoughts of cowboys, brown things and country music, though that quickly faded upon seeing the dark gray and clean black lines. I liked it a lot, though I think you could use a link to your profile at least, and to any other things a reader might be interested in. (18/20)

Emotions: Well, considering your age, and your sex at that, I really don't think much emotion belongs in your diary. There's plenty of disgust, lust, and, well, disgust (mainly with ignorant people, which, again, is a perfectly acceptable thing to be disgusted with). Many people, though plenty emotional, I don't think have quite the grasp on self-expression that you do. You could very easily delve into some more serious subjects that, I think, would be even more interesting that what you tend to write about already. However, I do understand that for one, your friends read your diary, and also, that you're probably too busy expirimenting with your relatively new sexuality and what have you to really give a rip about love or depression or serious (non-orgasmic) elation. ;) And, I'm sorry, but to hear about a 15 year old orgasm was a bit disturbing. Even for me - owner of the Filthy-diaryring (which only I'm in, heh). (15/20)

Extras: Well, honestly, you had no extras. Outside of your writing of course, which I've already explained that I loved to pieces. BUT... the makeupless Avril and hilarious aim conversations almost made up for it, but the obvious concern for grammar and spelling bumped you up to a 9. (9/10)

Link: Eh... not initally! Needed prompting. Sorry buddy. (2/5)

Contact: Well, three of your 5 links would fit under this category, so I'd say you did just fine in this area. (5/5)

Total: (90/100) (Just like the number of years you've concluded you'll die in ;)


Favorite Entry:Know what? I have no favorite entry. Every single one had the EXACT same style about it... they all had very similar subjects, or were at least of one of a few commonly used subjects. However, the one style you do have, I love. I loved reading all of it.

Favorite Quote: "There's currently a love in my life, and I'll tell you right now that I'm not trying to sound cheesy or anything, but if I actually got the courage to tell her, there actually could be a chance for a pretty solid relationship."

HA! A smidgen of emotion! ;)


Abort the web-log plan... and don't worry about your microwaveable White Castle burgers (though we Georgians have Krystals down here) mine always turn out the same way... if not worse. I've yet to actually make it to swallowing one. And also, I initally thought you to be more around the age of 35! :) It's good to see though that you're already so appreciative of intelligence as a 15 year old boy. Most aren't you know. And I'm sure you do... since your dickhead friends are just as often described as idiots as they are dickheads. :) You actually remind me of my little brother... Odd. You taste in music though... *sigh* half is decent, and the other half? Well... well... I'd rather not say. ;)

And lastly, this was my first review. Hope everything was satisfactory to you timmocollins, any visitors, and my to fellow reviewers. :)

Reviewed by: Jen

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