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[in time] seasons will seal these shards

Content: All your entries are written like poetry. I found them a little hard to read because they all seemed to say the same thing. If writing that way works for you though, go right ahead. You always had some mention about pain, suffering and depression in your entries. That got old to read as a reviewer. I think you either use your diary to vent or to impress unknown readers with your pain. That sounds mean, but it came across sometimes like you're trying to be "too" poetic. Then again maybe you do put your heart and soul into your entries...I hope this is case. You wrote basically well, though the lack of capitalization in some entries got annoying after a while. My guess it that you put a lot of time and effort into writing your poetry-type entries. (25/40)

Layout: You had a simple candle layout the first time I viewed your diary, then today it had changed to an even simpler blue-font one. I like the newer one better. I suggest adding the "short description" parts to the headings of your entries though, because it gives the reader more insight to how the entry is going to be. I thought this simple layout made your entries seem more complex so it was good.(19/20)

Emotions: You definitely get your emotions across, even though you often talked about just general stuff. I felt like I understand who you are, or at least how you want to portray yourself through your diary. Remember though that you don't need to always show the dark side of yourself, maybe show other parts of your personality from time to time. (17/20)

Extras: Not many, but some (7/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works, but you took a while to get it up there so I'm taking a point off. (4/5)

Contact: The diaryland stuff and guestbook (5/5)

Total: (95/100) =0)


Favorite Entry: I didn't really have a favorite, because you entries tended to sound the same when reading them in one sitting.

Favorite Quote:This morning I was riding to school on the bus and I saw group of girls walking up the hill. All of a sudden, one turned around and threw a cupcake that landed on the window outside of the seat where I was sitting. The icing smeared and left a mark. When I saw this I laughed.

I laughed because there were girls randomly pelting pastries at me. hehe

Comments: I found your diary hard to get into because I didn't understand some of the stuff you wrote. I liked how you seemed to put thought into your entries though.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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