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the dainty snap of a butterfly trap

Content: You write a pure daylog. Not bad, but I didn't really enjoy any entries until I found this one. I liked it because I can completely relate to it. Otherwise, I didn't feel like I got to read much about you. It's hard to do that when so many of your entries are only a sentence or two.

Content Score: 20/40

Layout: The colors, and the picture are wonderful. Even the table functions pretty well. But I really think that it all should be bigger. Maybe it's just my browser size, but either way, it's probably a bit small. The navigation would be a little annoying if I wasn't reading all your entries, but scrolling never killed anyone..

Layout Score: 17/20

Emotions:A lot of people don't think of swear words as emotion. You're lucky I'm not one of them. For what your diary didn't have in content, it made up for in emotion. If you were angry about something you weren't afraid to say it. I like that in people, it's a good quality.

Emotions Score: 17/20

Extras: Rings, self design, bio, links, and Imood.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: It brought me to the buttons page.

Link Score: 4/5

Contact: Just notes.

Contact Score: 2/5

Total Score: 70/100


Comments:You should archieve your older entries too. If you need help, please leave me a note. Keep on writing, you have so much potential. Don't be afraid to ask for a re-review!

Reviewed By:Amanda

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