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Kiss my prince...

Content: You write mostly about yourself, about the changes you�ve gone through and things that affected you in everyday life, like this. It was pretty amusing, really. Also, you write a lot about God, and from there it is evident that you are a strong believer. This was an exceptionally good one. It was nice to read about your dancing, and this entry showed a lot of your self-honesty, which I truly appreciate. Sure, you do sometimes ramble on, but most of your entries are interesting. It was really nice to read about the facts about yourself, and your ABCs, and from your diary, I think you�re a pretty nice person!

You can improve on your writing, though. You can actually bring in more serious topics about your feelings and write about things that matter to you, more than just everyday life things.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: This layout was done by Alee Designs. It�s unique in it�s own way. The colours are a little clashing but it isn�t too bad. The navigation isn�t too bad, and I like the hover colour.

Layout Score: 11/20

Emotions: Most of the time, when you�re writing, you sound really enthusiastic and you make me feel enthusiastic as well. But generally, I didn�t find anything that was particularly expressive.

Emotions Score: 6/20

Extras: Plenty of extras!

Extras Score: 15/10

Links: A working button link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes, email, AIM and a tagboard.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 72/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. It was really descriptive, and it�s nice to know what you think about yourself.

Favourite Quote: God put us here to love one another and to be together in harmony� He put us here for a reason, to be loved, and to love others. Loving others also includes loving YOURSELF.

Comments: You have a pretty nice diary. Most of your entries are actually interesting. Just that maybe you can try to add more emotion to it.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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