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::A Roswell Christmas::

Content: You are sooo full of content. It is awesome! I think I learned more then enough about you just reading your bio. But I was very interested in you so I continued to read more about you. You are an awesome chick. You are honest in your diary and that is great. You have definitely impressed me. But you are a little heavy on the language. Sorry, but that is just a turn off for me.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: I really like your layout. It is festive and just very well done. I really like it. And I love the pictures on Benji and Joel; how long has Joel had that hair cut! Ha-ha. No, I am a fan of GC too, but I just think it is nice the way you exhibit something that is obviously important to you. My only problem with your layout is that your links are a little hard to read. I know that the change color whenever you scroll over them, but they are still a little hard to read. That�s all I would really change.

Layout Score : 19/20

Emotions: Well, you talk about how things went during your day, and how you felt about them. Most of the entries I read didn�t go real deep into emotions but I could basically tell what you were feeling. All in all, pretty good.

Emotions Score: 18/20

Extras: Wow, you have a lot of stuff. You have stuff I haven�t heard of before like the quilt. The quilt is pretty cool. Cast, fans, past layouts, rings, fan listings, reviews, and MORE! Very impressive. I�m giving you five extra points.

Extras Score: 15/10

Link: Works, works, works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Notes, guestbook, email, comments, AIM. So many ways to contact you�are you lonely? Do you need friends; someone to talk to? lol Just kidding you have done an awesome job with contacts.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 92/100 You are sweet gold, babe!

Reviewed By: Blair

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