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I�m playing checkers with bloody polo shirts, watching the fireworks

Content: The content is mostly about your experiences and your opinions, like this which was really funny. You have a great sense of humour, even though sometimes it does get a little lame, but generally, I did enjoy some of your entries.

There is immense variety in your entries, varying from this to this. Also, I enjoyed this a lot. I like it that you seem like you�re talking to yourself in your diary, especially in this entry, where readers get to know your opinion on the matter.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: This layout was designed by you, since there isn�t a link to the designers page. It�s a dark background, with yellow words, which stand out in a striking, but unnatural way. The links� colour just doesn�t fit in. Even though it is evident that you put effort into designing this layout, I didn�t quite like your layout because the navigation isn�t organized. If you organize your page neatly, the layout would have been much better.

Layout Score: 5/20

Emotions: You express your opinions very well in words, but your diary isn�t emotional; there are few entries in which I could know as to how you feel in your day, or about things that matter to you.

Emotions Score: 4/20

Extras: Plenty of extras.

Extras Score: 15/10

Links: A working link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, comments, email and a tagboard.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 63/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. It�s interesting to know people�s fortune cookies.

Favourite Quote: Some people say "you don't know what you got 'til it's gone", and even though the grammar is poor, in some situations it is absolutely true. But at other times, you don't know what is gone until you have it.

Comments: Your diary really and honestly can be improved. The content is actually quite good, but you can redesign the layout to make it look more approachable, and add more emotions to your entries.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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