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Bathtub Ophelia

Content: It�s mainly about your experiences in your daily life, your mood swings and about people around you. Your diary is all right, but belongs to what I classify as the normal diary.

This entry about your dark secret was really cool. I like it when you have your dark secrets. It sounds mysterious and relates to your reader, making me feel that you're telling me, and me alone, a secret. It was precise and concise, and I liked it. Also, I like it when you write about the man you love in this entry. It interested me greatly. I like some of the conversations you include in your diary. It helps me to understand you much better.

However, there should be more variety in your writing. It�s nice when you describe things, but it isn�t so nice when you write this way because then your diary sometimes became boring. Even though it is your diary, you can try writing for your readers too. Try writing some entries about topics that will interests everyone in general.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: A ordinary layout. There isn�t a link to the designer�s page, so I assume that you did it. I don�t like colour of the background much, and the links to the review sites can be put under a reviews page. The navigation is user friendly, but you can improve on the layout a great deal.

Layout Score: 9/20

Emotions: This was emotional, and I could relate to you. Also, this was very expressive. But on the whole, that was this diary isn�t so expressive. The words you use somehow cannot connect with me and make me feel as you do.

Emotions Score: 10/20

Extras: Rings, stats, cast, and poems.

Extras Score: 8/10

Links: A working button link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Notes and email.

Contact Score: 2/5

Total Score: 64/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite.

Favourite Quote: And I felt trapped into that for many many years. I bought into the whole secrecy that comes with an alcoholic family structure which meant no one knew what my family life was really like for seventeen years of my life.

Comments: You have some interesting entries, and I like that. Give us more of these entries and your diary will be able to capture the attention of millions of readers on the online world.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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