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road closed ahead

Content: I like your diary. Your entrys are very fun to read. The first entry I read about you being immature was so great. I was laughing at most of it but at times it just caught me off guard. You seem like the kind of person that doesn't really care what other people think of them and I think that's really cool. I got into most of your entrys. You seem like a really cool girl and if I knew you I bet we'd be friends. Your bio was very informative. And I liked that "What My Name Means"!! Where did you get that?? I might check that out...

Your entrys are hillarious. Just the way you put things and say them. You seem like a blunt person, always just telling it like it is. That's aweosme. (30/40).

Layout: This layout is really orginal. I know you made it yourself, but it's not like most of the layouts you see on other peoples diarys or design sites. The red is really cool. I just really really like this layout! Great job (20/20).

Emotions: You had some emotions in your entrys. Not as much as I've seen in other diarys. Everyone can work on trying to get their emotions out in writing. Try it more often, your entrys are great, don't get me wrong. But just try to write deeper! It will be more interesting and keep the readers attention more. (10/20).

Extras: Lots! (10/10).

Link: It's there, and it's ok!!! hehe ; ) (5/5).

Contact: You had lots and lots of ways to �stalk you�! (6/5).

Total: 81/100


Favorite Entry: I really think that this was my favorite entry. It was just so funny, I dunno very orginial and just cool. I just really liked it.

Favorite Quote: Couln't really find one...

Comments: I really liked reading most of your entrys and your layout is great. I think you have a good talent for layouts, you could try a layout site! That would be cool. And you have a nack for writing! Keep it up and I'll be back!

Good job!!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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