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Musings of a Sarcastic Salad Addict


I liked how you included pictures right in your diary; they added a nice complement to explain your entries, kind of like visual aids, you know?
You have a very simplistic way of writing, somewhat like telling a friend what you did during the day. And that�s fine if that�s what you like to use your diary for-- a daily log of events and outings and such. You especially went into a lot of detail in your entries about your vacation, but it was almost a little too much detail; it�s probably not necessary to explain what you wore and what you ate and what you bought everyday. But hey, if that�s your style, it�s okeydokey.
I could tell a lot about your personality, likes and dislikes from reading your diary. I admire your love for animals :)
The survey questions that you answered in your diary also help the reader to know more of the things about you that they wouldn�t necessarily find in reading your entries. A little too many surveys, though. ( 28/40)


beautiful layout. It seems to correspond with many of your entries (the vacation bit). Your links are organized, your entries are easy to read, and you gave credit to the designer. There�s really no need to have the �next� and �last� links in the column of links to the right, if you already have them at the bottom of each of your entries. Not all layouts go with the username, however, but it would be funny to add a picture of some salad greens to your layout :) (19/20)


You express worry and concern, anger and surprise, happiness and contentment. It�s evident through your writings. You do have a sarcastic nature, as the title of your diary states, and it made me chuckle at times. You don�t go into a whole lot of depth on your inner inner feelings, though, at least not through the entries I read. It might make your diary more interesting if you talked more about what goes on inside, and not so much about what goes on around you. (13/20)


Plenty. (10/10)


Yep, and she�s got one of the pretty buttons for it, too :) (5/5)


Notes, guestbook, and e-mail, she�s got it all. (5 /5)

TOTAL SCORE: 80/100 (80 %)

Reviewed by: Linda

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