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Everything�s perfect if I want it to be [diary of a wallflower]

Content: You definitely write well. You tell things in a mature, easy manner that anyone can understand, yet you still make it sound sophisticated. I read the French rant-- I�ve taken it for three years so I understood it. Pretty good. =) But wow, you have been through so much. Your story told us about your past. I�m so glad you opened that up . . I�m sure it made you feel somewhat better to get it written down, though you didn�t write a lot about emotions on this one-- I understand that you wouldn�t want to dwell on those negative emotions though. You go into a lot of detail when writing about what happens in your relationships and I love that. (36/40).

Layout: I don�t particularly like the layout because the colors are mostly dark and grayish, it�s a crude drawing, and I think the picture�s a little too big, but it does show the literal meaning of your title-- it�s pretty cool if I look at it that way. The design is by notsoPUNK and it�s altered by yourself. The links are all on the right side and your background info is good. (12/20).

Emotions: You have deep insights and let your emotions show. There�s a lot going on in your life and I can see that you probably instinctively put in what you�re feeling about most events. You don�t need to remind yourself to reflect. I�m so sorry you felt worthless for a time� I think humans feel that way a lot though. I know I do. (18/20).

Extras: You had plenty. As always, I really appreciate the quizzes section. A few of the pictures weren�t working for that, so check them out. (10/10).

Link: Yes. (5/5).

Contact: Email, notes, book. (5/5).

Total: 86/100.


Favorite Entry: This was one of the first entries I read. It�s so poetic and beautiful. It makes me really feel a connection to you.

Favorite Quote::I just don't want to be someone's crush. I don't want to be eyed at from afar and not have them do anything about it. If you love me, tell me, show me. Don't keep it inside...

I don�t want it to end. And I�m watching it end before my eyes. Just sitting back and watching the person I love fall in love with someone else and slowly but surely forget everything we had.

Comments: I enjoyed reading through your diary. I don�t know why one of those review sites would say your diary sucked! I mean, the layout wasn�t my cup of tea, but most everything else was great! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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