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with love, vanessa

Content: Your entries are VERY in depth and breath-taking! You have an extremely creative way of expressing yourself through imaginative poetry. I've never seen anyone who has been able to put their thoughts together in such a way as you. This entry where you are talking your mom nearly brought tears to my eyes. All of your entries are so spell-binding...I couldn't quit reading. You're a great writer, and you have amazing talent. Keep that up!(40/40).

Layout: A simple, two-toned blue layout with dark blue background and a lighter blue background in your entry box. All links work properly in a neat, drop-down menu. Design credit goes Here although I've never heard of it before. I like your soothes the eyes and seems to match your entries pretty well.(20/20).

Emotions: As if there was a word strong enough to encompass the mass amount of emotions you portray in your writing. Wow. It's so strong! You make your readers feel what you're feeling. This is a perfect example in one of your earlier entries of how well you put your emotions together. Brav-o!(20/20).

Extras: Cast (and tons of them, with pictures!), rings, and guestbook.(10/10).

Link: Yes. (5/5).

Contact: "Fan-Mail", Notes, and Guestbook! (5/5).

Total: 100/100.


Favorite Entry: This one was very poetic and touching...I felt like I was you...and I knew exactly what you were feeling.

Favorite Quote::AND NO MATTER HOW BADLY my world no longer revolves around you, the sun will still set, and the moon will still rise.

Comments: Your diary was very entrancing and it hypnotized me to read more. Awesome diary! I shall be back!

Reviewed by Heather

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