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Why does it hurt?

CONTENT: I must say, you are one entertaining read! I totally enjoyed reading your diary, and was laughing out loud at some of your sayings! I'll be reading along, and then you'll throw something in compeletly unexpected. You really know how to keep the reader interested. I don't think I've enjoyed a diary this much for awhile. I love the way your words bring your entries to life. It's great! You convey your natural energy onto the page, and that takes talent. I felt like I was really "listening" to you rather than a mere daily account of events. I enjoyed your cast of character. That was constructed in an entertaining, yet informative way. I cracked up at this entry! That was so dang funny! This was also hilarious- your account of it! I could list entries all day, but these were a few that had some great lines in them.

Content Score 45/40

LAYOUT: Great layout. Once again, the talented Lissy Designs shows her stuff! I really like the whole theme of your layout with the little girl with the cut on her, and the matching links at the bottom of the page such as "old scars" and "new scars". That was cool. The navigation was easy for me. The only time I had to hit the "back" browser was on the entry that contained the pictures of Billy Corgan. For some reason, the page didn't load completely, so I didn't get the menu at the bottom of the page. You may want to check that out. Could just be my browser. Cool layout.

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS: You did a fine job of conveying your emotions in writing. You have a way of making the reader picture everything you describe. You manage to get your emotions across without a lot of cussing, and when you did, it was sooo funny! Your writing is full, and it is really alive. Well done.

Emotions Score: 25/20

EXTRAS: Not a ton of extras, but what's there is quality. Cast of Characters, etc.

Extras Score: 7/10

LINK: Well, if you did link to us, I sure couldn't find it. Too bad! Darn.

Link Score: 0/5

CONTACT: You have it all: email, guestbook, notes! Easily found. Good job.

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 102/100

I really enjoyed your diary, and it truly was a pleasure to read! I'm adding you to my favorites! You are awesome!

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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