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Rather Waste Some Time With You

CONTENT: I enjoyed your diary! You write day-to-day life events, but I never found them boring. You seem to be a happy, normal, and very adorable 16-year-old, and I find that very refreshing in this day and age. Your writing style is not "strained"; you write what you feel, and you aren't trying to be someone you're not, nor are you trying to impress anyone. I sense that you write because you truly enjoy it, and that's wonderful! I liked this entry because it really shows off your enthusiasm. I sure can't see where you're "evil"! LOL

Content Score: 40/40

LAYOUT: Awesome design done by none other than YOU! I like your design page where you go into detail about what went into the making of your layout. Good job. Love the colors. The navigation is great, too. I found it very easy to get around your site. You have a few links that aren't working at the moment. The rings link gave me the Diaryland error page, and the facts link gave me the infamous "Cannot Find Server" page. So, you may want to look into what's up with those. Otherwise, perfect!

Layout Score: 25/20 Extra credit for designing your own layout.

EMOTIONS: Can't find anything to pick apart here. You do a nice job of showing that you have a lot of enthusiasm, and you also can show that you can get very, very angry as demonstrated in this entry. Didn't bring out the best of your vocabulary, but hey, you got your point across!

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS: Wow! I won't even name them all, but you have plenty of interesting extras included! Good job there!

Extras Score: 12/10

LINK: sure can't find our Sweet Reviews link. You should know that sometimes, that review page doesn't work. When I go to your index page, it works, but when I'm on another page, I hit the Diaryland error page. Just so you know...other sites probably wouldn't even review you without the link, so be sure to include that in future reviews, o.k.?


CONTACT: Yep, more than enough ways to get in touch with you!

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL: 102/100


Favorite Entry:Really don't have a favorite; I enjoyed your whole diary.

Favorite Quote:"Now I can SUPERVISE the idiots standing around doing nothing. Thats constructive I must say. I think THEY should pay me for doing their jobs too." Yes, we pretty much all feel that way when at work!

Comments: Glad I had the opportunity to review your diary! Keep up the good work, and try to explore other areas of writing. Maybe choose a topic and write about it...just an idea. Ultimately, it's your diary, and that's what makes it so special!

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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